1,275 research outputs found

    Dynamic roughening and fluctuations of dipolar chains

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    Nonmagnetic particles in a carrier ferrofluid acquire an effective dipolar moment when placed in an external magnetic field. This fact leads them to form chains that will roughen due to Brownian motion when the magnetic field is decreased. We study this process through experiments, theory and simulations, three methods that agree on the scaling behavior over 5 orders of magnitude. The RMS width goes initially as t1/2t^{1/2}, then as t1/4t^{1/4} before it saturates. We show how these results complement existing results on polymer chains, and how the chain dynamics may be described by a recent non-Markovian formulation of anomalous diffusion.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    Locked and Unlocked Polygonal Chains in 3D

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    In this paper, we study movements of simple polygonal chains in 3D. We say that an open, simple polygonal chain can be straightened if it can be continuously reconfigured to a straight sequence of segments in such a manner that both the length of each link and the simplicity of the chain are maintained throughout the movement. The analogous concept for closed chains is convexification: reconfiguration to a planar convex polygon. Chains that cannot be straightened or convexified are called locked. While there are open chains in 3D that are locked, we show that if an open chain has a simple orthogonal projection onto some plane, it can be straightened. For closed chains, we show that there are unknotted but locked closed chains, and we provide an algorithm for convexifying a planar simple polygon in 3D with a polynomial number of moves.Comment: To appear in Proc. 10th ACM-SIAM Sympos. Discrete Algorithms, Jan. 199

    Towards an Abelian Formulation of Lattice QCD Confinement

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    We probe for operators occurring in the APQCD(``abelian-projected QCD'') action by evaluating abelian-projected 11-plaquette spectral densities in pure gauge SU(3)SU(3) fixed to maximal abelian gauge. Couplings BAPQCD(q,L)B_{APQCD}(q,L) are extracted from the spectral densities for each representation qq, L×LL\times L plaquette. While APQCD is dominated by a q=L=1q=L=1 resonance, we also find evidence for weakly coupled L=2L=2 plaquettes. Moreover, since BAPQCD(1,1)>BQED(1,1)B_{APQCD}(1,1) > B_{QED}(1,1) even if βQED>βc\beta_{QED} > \beta_c, L>1L>1 plaquettes must be significant since APQCD is confining.Comment: 1+11 pages, fixed minor postscript erro

    Decay of Correlations in a Topological Glass

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    In this paper we continue the study of a topological glassy system. The state space of the model is given by all triangulations of a sphere with NN nodes, half of which are red and half are blue. Red nodes want to have 5 neighbors while blue ones want 7. Energies of nodes with other numbers of neighbors are supposed to be positive. The dynamics is that of flipping the diagonal between two adjacent triangles, with a temperature dependent probability. We consider the system at very low temperatures. We concentrate on several new aspects of this model: Starting from a detailed description of the stationary state, we conclude that pairs of defects (nodes with the "wrong" degree) move with very high mobility along 1-dimensional paths. As they wander around, they encounter single defects, which they then move "sideways" with a geometrically defined probability. This induces a diffusive motion of the single defects. If they meet, they annihilate, lowering the energy of the system. We both estimate the decay of energy to equilibrium, as well as the correlations. In particular, we find a decay like t0.4t^{-0.4}

    Hadron Mass Predictions of the Valence Approximation to Lattice QCD

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    We evaluate the infinite volume, continuum limits of eight hadron mass ratios predicted by lattice QCD with Wilson quarks in the valence (quenched) approximation. Each predicted ratio differs from the corresponding observed value by less than 6\%.Comment: 13 pages of Latex + 2 PostScript files attached, IBM/HET 92-

    The equation of state for two flavor QCD at N_t=6

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    We calculate the two flavor equation of state for QCD on lattices with lattice spacing a=(6T)^{-1} and find that cutoff effects are substantially reduced compared to an earlier study using a=(4T)^{-1}. However, it is likely that significant cutoff effects remain. We fit the lattice data to expected forms of the free energy density for a second order phase transition at zero-quark-mass, which allows us to extrapolate the equation of state to m_q=0 and to extract the speed of sound. We find that the equation of state depends weakly on the quark mass for small quark mass.Comment: 24 pages, latex, 11 postscipt figure

    Feynman Rules in the Type III Natural Flavour-Conserving Two-Higgs Doublet Model

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    We consider a two Higgs-doublet model with S3S_3 symmetry, which implies a π2\pi \over 2 rather than 0 relative phase between the vacuum expectation values and and . The corresponding Feynman rules are derived accordingly and the transformation of the Higgs fields from the weak to the mass eigenstates includes not only an angle rotation but also a phase transformation. In this model, both doublets couple to the same type of fermions and the flavour-changing neutral currents are naturally suppressed. We also demonstrate that the Type III natural flavour-conserving model is valid at tree-level even when an explicit S3S_3 symmetry breaking perturbation is introduced to get a reasonable CKM matrix. In the special case β=α\beta = \alpha, as the ratio tanβ=v2v1\tan\beta = {v_2 \over v_1} runs from 0 to \infty, the dominant Yukawa coupling will change from the first two generations to the third generation. In the Feynman rules, we also find that the charged Higgs currents are explicitly left-right asymmetric. The ratios between the left- and right-handed currents for the quarks in the same generations are estimated.Comment: 16 pages (figures not included), NCKU-HEP/93-1

    Perturbative matching of staggered four-fermion operators with hypercubic fat links

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    We calculate the one-loop matching coefficients between continuum and lattice four-fermion operators for lattice operators constructed using staggered fermions and improved by the use of fattened links. In particular, we consider hypercubic fat links and SU(3) projected Fat-7 links, and their mean-field improved versions. We calculate only current-current diagrams, so that our results apply for operators whose flavor structure does not allow ``eye-diagrams''. We present general formulae, based on two independent approaches, and give numerical results for the cases in which the operators have the taste (staggered flavor) of the pseudo-Goldstone pion. We find that the one-loop corrections are reduced down to the 10-20% level, resolving the problem of large perturbative corrections for staggered fermion calculations of matrix elements.Comment: 37 pages, no figure, 20 table

    Scaling functions for O(4) in three dimensions

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    Monte Carlo simulation using a cluster algorithm is used to compute the scaling part of the free energy for a three dimensional O(4) spin model. The results are relevant for analysis of lattice studies of high temperature QCD.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures, uses epsf.st